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Ecrivain-Journaliste recherche témoignages


I would like to hear your story!

I am looking for people who suffer from Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity (EHS), and who would like to share their story with me for some writing I plan to do on the subject.

I am an award-winning investigative journalist and the author of several books. There is some information about me on Wikipedia:

If you are willing to share your EHS story with me, please contact me by email: .

And please include some details about your life with EHS and what strategies you have adopted to improve your health and quality of life. Have you moved to the country? Removed WiFi from your home? Built a Faraday cage to sleep in? Set up a tent in your backyard to sleep in? (These are just some of the strategies people have told me about so far.)

I am hoping that what I write on this subject will help raise public awareness about the hazards of WiFi by putting a human face on what is otherwise an overwhelming pile of data and statistics about WiFi toxicity.

I would like to offer the public some individual stories that include successful strategies for reducing or avoiding WiFi and other common types of electromagnetic radiation.

So if you suffer from EHS, and particularly if you are actively doing something in your life to address the problem, then I would very much like to hear from you and possibly interview you by phone or email.


EHS is a condition affecting an ever-increasing percentage of the population in our heavily wired and WiFi’ed world. A 2006 study from Sweden predicted that 50% of the population will be electrically hypersensitive by the year 2017.

In June 2012, Women’s College Hospital in Toronto became the first hospital in Canada to recognize EHS, and to call on family doctors to learn to detect its symptoms.

EHS symptoms can include headaches, muscle spasms, burning skin, reddening of the face, heat sensation, pressure in the ears, tinnitus, blood rush to the head, vertigo, chest pain, vision changes, tingling sensations, fatigue, memory problems, difficulty concentrating, depression, among other things.

EHS is a consequence of exposure to certain electromagnetic frequencies. And for most EHS sufferers, this seems to be the frequencies used by cell phones, cordless phones, computer WiFi, microwave ovens, smart meters, and other devices emitting in the 800 MHz to 2.5 GHz range.

Many EHS sufferers find relief when they remove WiFi and other sources of this pollution from their homes. And many EHS sufferers cannot enter Internet cafes or electronics departments of stores (or in some cases, enter any stores at all) without immediately experiencing EHS symptoms.

Kim Goldberg


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